Golf simulators provide the tools to gain a competitive edge and an enjoyable & shared experience. Play alone, in a group or peer-to-peer with many worldwide leagues available.
A well-designed golf studio adds a touch of luxury to the home. Golf tech is now not only for the Pro's and is here to stay.
Most days, it's not possible to get in a round before the sun goes down. Now you can practice any time of day regardless of the weather. Heck, play in your PJ's we don't judge.
You will have the world's best golf courses in your own home. A typical round on a simulator takes around 40-60minutes. Compare that to a standard round you can play 4 times more! With travel, playing a round at St. Andrews is a two-day event, now you can do it in under an hour.
To be the best, copy the best. Tour professionals use every tool available to help them hit consistently good shots. Buying our simulator will let you know exactly what you're doing, which is the first step towards improvement. Our simulators will show you every detail about your swing & capture its progress.